Placement Agreement Forms, Templates & Resources

Student Placement Agreement Template In the fall of 2014 the University of Toronto approved a template placement agreement. The template can be used without further review and approval from the Vice-President and Provost, Deputy Provost or Vice-Provost, provided that no changes are made to it (other than minor customizations to specify name of site, signing authority, etc.). Please note that Deans, College Principals, Vice-Provosts, Department Chairs, and Program Directors have signing authority for placements using this template.

Acceptable Customizations to the University’s Placement Agreement Template – This document describes in detail the customizations that can be made to the student placement agreement template by the appropriate representative of the program, Department or Faculty. It includes a list of the items, along with an explanation of each, and advice and recommendations for alterations.

First Principles for Student Placement Agreements – Student placement agreements signed by a program, Department or Faculty at the University of Toronto must include language that sets out roles and responsibilities in a number of areas. The First Principles document outlines the required components of the Student Placement Agreement.

Placement Agreement Process Flowchart – This process flowchart is a quick guide to the process of establishing a placement.

Placement Agreement Checklist – This checklist contains the items that should be completed in advance of students being placed at a site.