Workplace Insurance for Non-MTCU Covered Placements

In the event that a Student Trainee is not eligible for their workplace insurance to be covered by the MTCU there are several options available for workplace insurance. The first step is to confirm with the placement site supervisor whether the placement site is covered by the WSIB or through a third party insurance policy.

If the placement site is a WSIB workplace:

  • Confirm if the placement site will add the placement student to their WSIB policy for the duration of the placement (If yes, this should be confirmed in the Placement Agreement).
  • If the placement site declines to add the student to its WSIB coverage the University will consider whether to elect to be the Student Trainee’s employer for WSIB purposes. A review of the placement and any risks associated with it will be conducted by OVPS in conjuction with the University’s Environmental Health and Safety Office. Contact for details.

If the placement site is not a WSIB workplace then the Student Trainee can be added to a blanket workplace insurance policy that is held by the University through ACE-INA. Contact for details.