Please note this site is currently under development. Please contact placements@utoronto with any questions regarding student placements.

Welcome to the Student Placement Resource Centre

This resource has been prepared to provide University faculty and staff with a clear understanding and streamlined process for requirements related to all unpaid work placements arranged as a condition of obtaining a degree from the University of Toronto. The aim of this resource is also to advise faculties and departments on the requirements necessary to effectively manage the health and safety risks arising out of student placements.

The term placement, which is also known as work-integrated experience, is used to describe a planned period of temporary work that a student does to give them experience of the working world or of a particular industry. The experience may take the form of short term, long term (e.g. one year) or part time employment. Placements are different from volunteering because the main focus is the development of working skills, not helping a charitable cause.

At The University of Toronto, the term placement is used to describe a period of practical and professional work which is undertaken as part of a University course or program for academic credit. Placements are arranged by the University with an employer and are for an agreed period of time.

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